Unit 8

Unit 8: Practice for the Exam
A.  Complete the each sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the passive forms of the underlined verbs.
1.    People around the world grow cucumbers. Cucumbers __________________ in many places around the world.
2.    People ate cucumbers in ancient Egypt. Cucumbers _________________ in ancient Egypt.
3.    People will grow cucumbers in space someday. Cucumbers _______________ in space someday.
1.  People have produced soy milk in China for hundreds of years. Soy milk _________________ in China for hundreds of years.
2.  Food scientists are going to create many new soybean products in the future. Many new soybean products _______________________ in the future.
3.  People make tofu from soybeans. Tofu ________________________ from soybeans.
B. Complete the conversation. Choose the correct words and phrases from the box. There is one word or phrase that you do not need to use.
        blood pressure - digestive system - eyesight  -  heart disease – muscles - skin - teeth
Ms. Shin: So, Dan, let’s go over your medical history. Does anyone in your family have high __________(1)?
Dan       : Yes. My mother does.  
Ms. Shin: Ok. And what about ____________________  (2)?
Dan       : Let’s see... Well, both my parents have high cholesterol, so that might be a problem.
Ms. Shin: And what about you? Why are you here today?
Dan       : Well, I’m having problems with my ______________ (3). My stomach hurts a lot.
Ms. Shin: Ok. Is that all?
Dan      : Well, my _______________ (4) seems to be deteriorating. Maybe I need to start wearing glasses.
Ms. Shin:  Are there any other problems you’re having?
Dan       : No, not really. Well, a few of my ________________________________ (5) have been hurting, but I know I need to go to a dentist for that.
Ms. Shin:Yes, Dr. Vargas can recommend an eye doctor and a dentist if you’d like. Do you exercise at all?
Dan       : I do. I work out a lot. I’m trying to build up my ________________________ (6). And I know exercising is important to stay healthy.
Ms. Shin:  Of course. Ok, Dan. The doctor will see you shortly.
C.  Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses
1.  Asparagus might protect you from ________________________ (get) cancer.
2.  Asparagus can also help the body ____________________ (clean) the digestive system.
3.  Dark chocolate can enable you ______________________ (reduce) your blood pressure.
4.  Chocolate can cause some people _____________________ (get) headaches.
5.  Honey can prevent you from __________________________ (lose) your hair.
6.  Honey can even make toothaches ________________________ (feel) better.
7.  Too much sugar can stop the immune system from _________________ (feel) better.
8.  Too much sugar can also cause a person __________________ (gain) weight. 
D. Complete the conversation. Choose the correct phrases from the box. Capitalize where necessary. There are two phrases that you do not need to use.

·       don’t people know that it’s bad for you
·       isn’t that a bit much
·       lifting weights, for example like sugar
·      like sugar  

· look at processed foods 
· take your knees, for instance  
· who doesn’t want to build their muscles
· why do people pay so much to join a gym 
Sam: Tom, do you eat a lot of cereal?
Tom: Not really.
Sam: That’s good – because it actually has a lot of unhealthy stuff in it, _____________ (1).
Tom: I know. ________________________________________________________(2)?
Sam: I guess not. But if I ate cereal for breakfast, I’d have to run a lot more at the gym! 
Tom: I didn’t know you went to the gym.
Sam: Yeah. I run there every day.
Tom: __________________ (3)? I heard it’s hard on your body.   _________________(4).
Sam: Maybe that’s true for some people, but running doesn’t bother me. I also do other things there - ________________________________________.
Tom: Oh, That’s good. I mean ________________________________________ (6)? I know I’d like to be stronger.
Read the article. Then read the statements and write T for true, F for false, or NG if the information is not given
It’s believed that the term super food was first coined in Japan, and it was used for processed foods that had special ingredients to promote health. More recently, the term has been used to describe natural foods that are extremely good for you. Many super foods have been eaten for thousands of years, but the health benefits weren’t’ always known in the past

Goji berries are native to China and were originally eaten by the Chinese to ensure a long, healthy life. They are said to prevent you from getting cancer. They may also prevent your eye from deteriorating, especially if you are elderly.

Coconuts were originally harvested not just for use in cooking, but also for medicinal purposes. Coconuts may help you fight colds and flu and can help you build a strong immune system.

Seaweed is packed with nutrients. It is good for the blood system and can also enable you to lose Weight. Seaweed also protects the body from absorbing harmful toxins in the environment.

Dark green vegetables are an essential part of any diet. They can help your kidneys detoxify, for example. They can also help keep your brain healthy.

Aloe Vera was possibly first discovered by the ancient Egyptians. Research studies have shown that it has more than 75 healing properties. It is said to help burns and sunburns heal when applied to the skin, and it may help the digestive system when taken orally (by mouth).
1.  Superfood was a term first used to describe natural food.                                    ______
2.  Superfoods are not a recent development.                                                          ______
3.  Goji berries are native to Japan.                                                                       ______
4.  Coconut oil is used in medicines that fight colds.                                                 ______
5.  Seaweed can protect the body from toxins.                                                       ______
6.  Aloes vera was the name the Egyptians gave to a plant with healing properties.    ______
Part 1. Questions and topics to discuss. Ask these questions. Answer your partner’s questions.
1.      What is a vertical farm?
2.      What new stores have opened in your neighbourhood?
3.      What do you do to make pain go away?
4.      What do you do to keep fit?
5.      What do you think are the advantages of vertical farms?
6.      What new restaurants have opened in your city?
7.      What do you do to prevent stress?
8.      How do you take care of your health?
9.      Do you think vertical farms could be built in your city?
10.   What new supermarkets have opened in your city?
11.   What do you do to help you concentrate?
12.   What do you do to avoid getting sick?
13.   What do you think are the disadvantages of vertical farms?
14.   What do you do to stay in shape?
15.   What new buildings have been built in your city?
16. What do you do to boost your energy levels?
* Vertical Farming is hydroponic food production in cities in multi-story greenhouses.
              Part 2: Conversation
            1.   What do you think is the most important meal of the day? Why? Tell your partner                     your opinion.
Use conversation strategies to make your conversation flow. The strategies you learned in this unit are:
·   Use rhetorical questions (questions you don’t expect an answer to) to make a point with expressions like Isn’t it a shame?
·   Give examples of your ideas with expressions like for example / such as...

              2.    Listen and react to your partner.
Read the information in the table below.
Plants and Animal in Europe (2011)
Percentage threatned
Percentage decline since 2006
Reasons for decline
· Pollution
· Urban development
Freshwater fish
· Pollution
· Overfishing
· Pollution
· Illegal killing of reptiles
B.   Write a one-paragraph report for a science class on the decline of plants and animals in Europe. Use the information in the table above. Make sure that you:

·  Report information on all the organism in the table.
·  Include some of the numbers and reasons listed in the table.
·  Use expressions with prepositions and approximate numbers (for example, about, approximately, roughly). 

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