Unit 7

Unit 7: Practice for the Exam
A.  Check (ü). The correct words to complete each sentence. Check both answers if they both  make a correct sentence.
1.    Sometimes I forget to _________ before I go to bed.
       5 turn off the TV    5  turn the TV off
2.    I’m _______ moving into my new apartment.
       5 looking forward to   5forward to looking
3.    Does your roommate ______ quickly?
        5 get over problems  5  get problems over
4.    What time did you _________ last night?
       5 come home in              5 come in
5.   Please _______ at 2:00 p.m.
          5 wake up the baby   5 wake the baby up
6.  My roommate borrowed my sweater, but she     didn’t_________.  
       5 give back it.                     5  give it back
B. Complete the conversation. Choose the correct phrase from the box. There is one phrase that you do not need to use.
Comes up
Give up
Let me down
Put up with
Was short on
Drove away
Got around to
Not looking forward to
Running out of

Victor : Hi, Sylvia. What’s the matter?  
Sylvia :          Oh, it’s my friend Carla. She really ____________________ (1)
Victor : What happened?
Sylvia :          Well, she said she would help me with my homework, but she never ________________ (2)
Victor : That’s too bad.
Sylvia :          Yeah, she said she _________________ (3) time, but she went out with some friends a couple of times this week.
Victor : You shouldn’t __________________ (4) that. Are you going to say something?  
Sylvia :          If it ____________________ (5), I’ll sy something. To be honest, I’m ________________________ (6) talking to her at all. I’m _________________________ (7) patience with her, and I’m not sure I want to be friends anymore.
Victor : You really should talk to her. Don’t _________________________ (8) on your friendship. You and Carla were really good friends.
C. Complete the Sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Use infinitives (to + verb) or –ing forms (verb + ing) 
I always have fun  __________________ (1.do) things with my brother. We see each other almost every weekend. We have fun ________________ (2.spend) time together. We have no trouble ___________ (3.find) things to do. We both like to hike, play computer games, and play basketball. My brother has always been someone  ____________________ (4.depend) on. Everyone in my family counts on him. Sometimes, we have problems ____________________ (5.get) along, but it’s not worth ____________________ (6.worry) about. We always get over it quickly. Because, it’s lonely ____________________ (7.be) without each other. He travels for work sometimes, and I don’t have anyone ____________________ (8.play) computer games with when he’s gone.
D. Circle the correct phrase to complete the conversation
Jen   :    I’m not getting along with my roommate very well.
Raul :    Oh, no. Are you going to move out?
Jen   :    (1) I’m not saying/ In other words it’s that bad. (2) I don’t mean / what I mean is, we’re not getting along right now. I’m sure it will get better.
Raul :    (3) I don’t mean / I have to say, it can be difficult living with other people.
Jen   :    You live at home, right?
Raul :    Yes. (4) I’m not saying / quite frankly, it’s terrible sometimes.
Jen   :    I guess it can be hard to live with your parents when you’re older.
Raul :    (5) I don’t mean / In other words it’s terrible living with my parents. (6) To tell you the truth / I don’t mean, they’re easy to get along with. It’s my little brothers that are a problem. I can never get any work done.
Reading 1
Read the article carefully.
Tips on Getting Along
Listen! One of the best ways to get along with others is to listen. Many arguments happen because of misunderstandings. When you listen carefully to what another person says, you can often avoid misunderstand ings and conflict.
Be polite. Politeness goes a long way. Most people react well to kindness, so use kind words even when you are upset. In other words, don’t say mean things
if someone else does. Being polite is not only useful when you have disagreements with friends, it can also be useful if you have confrontations with strangers.
Walk away. Sometimes, you just need time to be alone and cool off. Understand when an argument is not going anywhere. Taking a break can often help you get along with others.
Agree to disagree. Sometimes, people reach an impasse – a point in an argument where it’s impossible to agree. Instead of getting angry, try to understand when this happens. You can agree to disagree about a certain topic, but still find a way to get along.
Think first. It’s helpful to think about the words you choose before you speak. You can make a point in a tactful way that does not hurt another person’s feelings.
Imagine how the other person feels.  There’s an expression, “You don’t know how someone feels until you’ve walked in their shoes.” This is a good expression to remember whenever you have a problem with someone. Imagine where that person is coming from. It’s easier to avoid conflict when you think about the other person’s perspective.
Then read the statements and write T for true, F for false, or NG if the information is not given

  •      1.      Conflicts can be avoided by listening carefully to others.  __________
  •      2.      Politeness is not only useful for strangers. ________
  •      3.      There is no point in agreeing to disagree. ________
  •      4.      It is helpful in an argument to ask the advice of a neutral person. ________
  •      5.      Avoid conflict by imagining yourself in another’s situation. ________
Part 1. Questions and topics to discuss. Ask these questions. Answer your partner’s questions.

   1.  What do you do when you have friends over?
   2.  In what situations do you run out of patience?
   3.  What are some advantages of being an only child?
   4.  Can you describe something you had trouble doing when you were younger?
  5.  Would you rather live alone or with roommates? Why?
  6.  What chores do you put off doing?
  7.  What are some problems with being an only child?
  8.  What’s something you had fun doing when you were a child?
  9.  When a problem comes up with a friend, What do you do?
    10.    What bad habit should you give up? Why?
    11.    What are some advantages of being in a big family?
    12.    Can you describe something you never had trouble doing when you were younger?
    13.    Would you rather live with your family or on your own? Why?
    14.    Do you get over problems quickly? Why (not)?
    15.    What are some problems with being in a big family?
    16.    What’s something you didn’t enjoy doing when you were a child?
Part 2: Conversation
1.  Imagine someone in your house doesn’t help with chores. Tell your partner about the problem.
Use conversation strategies to make your conversation flow. The strategies you learned in this unit are:
·     Make your meaning clear with expressions like I mean.../I don’t mean...
·     Make a strong statement with expressions like I have to say...
2.  Listen and react to your partner.



Outcome: by the end of the unit you will be able  to 
  • write an introduction to an essay about whether family relationships are more important than friendships.
  • use a thesis statement
  • use what clauses to give the most important information.
  • avoid errors with subjects

A.  Read the outline for an essay on the importance of avoiding arguments.
Essay outline:
          Avoiding arguments

Introduction                   : the importance of avoiding arguments
Body paragraph 1        : listening to avoid misunderstandings
Body paragraph 2        : making a point clearly to avoid misunderstandings
Body paragraph 3        : staying calm during an argument
Conclusion                    : summarize the importance of avoiding conflicts
B.  Write an introduction to an essay about hoe to avoid arguments. Make sure that:

·  Introduce the topic.
·  Write a thesis statement with three main points you want to make in your essay. (You can use the points listed in the outline for body paragraphs 1-3 and/ or your own ideas.)

CLICK HERE to see the answers.





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